Anna Yin wants to thank the Canada Council for the Arts for their support for her project: To explore poetry/painting from Indigenous and Chinese sources with analyses and translations for cross-cultural bridging (2022-2023). Here is a short summary (all have been finished)
- Research/study: from books / galleries and museums / online resources / mentors’ interviews and emails
- Activities with mentors
Zoom meeting: Poets & Painters-Arts in Translation: Armand Garnet Ruffo, Yan Li and Anna Yin on Dec 9, 2022 (by CPAC)
Zoom meeting: Poetry, Painting and Public Art with Armand Garnet Ruffo and Anna Yin (July 13, 2023 by MAC)
two other zoom meetings and community events to share the studies. - Translations and publications:
Anna has translated 9 poems by Dr. Ruffo and eight of them have been published in Canada, USA and Taiwan etc.
In addition, Anna has translated another 30 poems from Chinese to English or English to Chinese including Yan Li’s work as part of this project and some of them have been published in Queen’s Quarterly, Denver Quarterly (USA), the Live Encounter Poetry and Writings (Indonesia) and China etc. - Writing an essay and submitting the final report. (with ten new poems as appendixes, some in both Chinese and English) (the essay in Chinese will be published in Taiwan Epoch Poetry Quarterly 2023 #216)
The followings are translation activities and researches engaged in during this project during 2022/2023, throughout this project, it has been clear that there are many further aspects of these topics can be explored to create great respect and unity among cultural groups.

Anna Yin poem in Chinese about Poet/Painter Yan Li giving her a lecture and her translation of Armand Garnet Ruffo’s poem were published in USA. Both are related to my current Create and Explore project about poetry, painting and translation (麒麟美洲【五洲詩軒】中外詩人新作精選《尋常記》新大陆诗刊#194
More resources:
FOLD Academy webinar — UNSETTLING POETRY: LAND-BASED STRATEGIES FOR GENERATING POEMS with Liz Howard. The recording of the session