Congratulations on the huge success of Poetic Drama discussion event. Here is the news report from World Chinese Weekly(世界华人周刊). SureWay Cultural Services was glad to co-host with Canadian Society of Int’l Performance Arts (加拿大戏剧表演艺术学会) and World Chinese Weekly (世界华人周刊). Zhou Jun is a fine Chinese writer who has applied the ancient Chinese creation myth to the modern issue of effects on human life of artificial intelligence and the challenged role of motherhood. Anna Yin was asked to translate this poetic drama and finished translating it in Aug, 2022. In Sept, Mr. Han Chanfu invited Anna to share her work for his writers’ group in Vancouver. Anna recommended the drama. It was appreciated by the group and it was decided to present the work with support from SureWay Cultural Services. The event went very well. It was a fun, intriguing and educational night. There were many interesting and profound discussions. Chinese theater club members in Vancouver performed part of the drama, Anna also shared the trailer of David Stones’ One Man show and Anne Carson’s Show from YouTube, as well as Terry Barker and Anna’s reading from her translation to engage the audience. The event lasted two hours with many participants involved. We thank the League of Canadian Poets for the support. Click here to read more texts from the drama in Chinese and English.
当东方神话撞见现代高科技 ——诗剧《夜访女娲》分享交流会圆满举办 (崔淼淼报导世界华人 2022/11/14)
诗剧《夜访女娲》分享交流会加拿大专场 (人民日报 报导(2022/11/14)
当东方神话撞见现代高科技——诗剧《夜访女娲》分享交流会加拿大专场 中华网报道 (2022/11/15)

Poster by 加拿大戏剧表演艺术学会

Anna Yin/星子安娜 translated the Poetic Drama: Night Visits to Nuwa