Tag: book
Tracing the True North by Terry Barker (2021, April)
Introducing《Mirrors and Windows/镜子与窗户》
WePoetry 【海外詩粹】2021-01: a special issue of poetry and translation from 《Mirrors and Windows/镜子与窗户》(includes 36 accomplished English-language poets’ work with Anna’s Chinese translation, and 20 skilled Chinese-language poets’ work with Anna’s English translation)
而在整個翻譯過程中,安娜不僅是一個忠實的讀者,也展現了她的詩人本質。因為唯有好的詩人才能將詩之聲韻氣息、重音低調把握得如此恰到好處。也唯有好的讀者才能把自己藏身到原作者的語境中去思考,把原詩中的精魂邀了來,到譯本中作客讓兩個代表不同文化的靈魂成為朋友,還原和傳遞最本真的詩歌意涵,而這才是安娜以為的最有意義的事了。正如她在英文詩歌所寫道的: 「現在我看著葉子和果實,
我也咬到了它多汁的果實。」 就此而言,無論是“被迫”還是自投“詩歌”這張大網的,只要樂而為之,並把他們當成一門藝術,一門學問, 並且持之以恆地去做,都會結出好的果子來的。 Vivian雯 2021/01/10 於紐約
More publications in Taiwan, Hongkong, Canada and USA
Live Encounters Poetry & Writing Celebrating its 11th anniversary
Anna Yin’s poems in Live Encounters Poetry & Writing’s Special Issue:
*Winter Solstice
*Beginning of Autumn
*Hill Song
*On Translation
Thanks Mark Ulyseas and Terry McDonagh. Read digital mag
Video for Poetry in Translation (4)/George Elliott Clarke and Anna Yin
George Elliott Clarke and Anna Yin discussed poetry, translations and life experiences with writing poetry related to political issues, difficult history and identity etc. They also shared the view of poets laureate’s role for politics.
The 4th Poet Laureate of Toronto (2012-15) and the 7th Parliamentary/Canadian Poet Laureate (2016-17), George Elliott Clarke is a revered artist in song, drama, fiction, screenplay, essays, and poetry. Born in Windsor, Nova Scotia, in 1960, Clarke was educated at the University of Waterloo, Dalhousie University, and Queen’s University. Clarke is also a pioneering scholar of African-Canadian literature. A professor of English at the University of Toronto, Clarke has taught at Duke, McGill, the University of British Columbia, and Harvard. He holds eight honorary doctorates, plus appointments to the Order of Nova Scotia and the Order of Canada at the rank of Officer. His recognitions include the Pierre Elliott Trudeau Fellows Prize, the Governor-General’s Award for Poetry, the National Magazine Gold Award for Poetry,, the Dartmouth Book Award for Fiction, the Eric Hoffer Book Award for Poetry (US), and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Achievement Award.