“After Midnight/ 子夜过后” by Katherine L . Gordon, Chinese trans by Anna Yin will be published soon, Congratulations

ISBN/国际书号: 978-1-998911-04-2
Book Design/诗集设计: Anna Yin (星子安娜) Book Cover/封面设计:Oliver Yang(杨鸿)

Poet: Katherine L. Gordon
Translator: Anna Yin


After Midnight is a collection of poems that reflect some vibrant years of discovery, observation and experience of what being alive in this vast sea of life really means for each of us, as we seek a place in a huge and complicated universe. Some of it is lonely, some of it so intimately connected with all natural phenomena that we are never truly alone.

We mature into connection:  a moon-beam caught on the path, a leaf before winter in our hand, a rose opening in wonder, a heart that beats with wind and water murmur.  The closer we draw to the miraculous world we are all born into, the more part of cosmic motion we are bound to feel.   It is the only antidote to that anxiety of separation, the only comfort in love gone astray, health disappeared, hope a spark that needs fanning.

All of us fade into other star-fields, our words, art and music may remain, though it may be “after midnight” that they appear to us.
Katherine L. Gordontumultuous year of climate and history, 2024

This is a poem for Dylan Thomas Day 2024 which won a price in Italy.
Katherine also won 2024 IL MELETO DI GUIDO GOZZANO poetry contest  the SECOND PRIZE.

Congratulations: “Awareness” by two fine Canadian poets: Katherine L. Gordon and James Deahl

We are glad to publish “Awareness”, a fine poetry collection by two fine Canadian poets: Katherine L. Gordon and James Deahl. Live Encounters Poetry and Writings featured their poems from this book in the August issue (Katherine’s two poems & James Deahl’s two poems). Epoch Quarterly (Taiwan, 创世纪诗刊 has featured their poems from this book with Anna Yin’s translations (Chinese) in fall issue 2024 #220.

About the authors:

Katherine L. Gordon is a poet, publisher, author, editor, anthologist, judge, reviewer and literary critic. She has many books, chapbooks, co-operative books and anthologies internationally. She is the recipient of many awards including Best Foreign Author from the 9th international edition of “I Colori Dell Anima” Italy. She earned an award from The World Poetry Association for her contribution to peace poetry. Her work is translated into many languages and will appear this year in a U.S./Korean anthology and two international collections in Italy and China. Katherine believes that poetry is a unifying force across the planet.

James Deahl was born in Pittsburgh during 1945, and grew up in that city as well as in and around the Laurel Highlands of the Appalachian Mountains. He moved to Canada in 1970. He is the author or editor of over thirty books (mostly poetry) and is the author of fifteen poetry chapbooks. A cycle of his poems is the focus of a one-hour American television special, Under The Watchful Eye. As a literary critic, Deahl has written about Milton Acorn, Raymond Souster, and Bruce Meyer, as well as sixteen leading poets of the Confederation Period, and he has presented university lectures on Alden Nowlan, Robert Kroetsch, Canadian Postmodernism, and the People’s Poetry tradition.

Introduction by George Elliott Clarke, & Afterword by John B. Lee:

Awareness is the down-to-earth aspect of lofty, head-in-the-clouds Consciousness … Both poets write out of the irreconcilable tension between preserving and fostering “Paradise”… and the possibility of crafting “Utopia,” some form of communal, sharing-based governance or polity, balancing economics and ecology… Katherine’s voice is that of a transcendentalist or a shaman, she is of the Garden and James Deahl is of the Forest, James tends to position his speaker out-of-doors in uncultivated spaces, where the speaker’s reflection juxtaposes natural processes and unnatural horrors…. And the delivered personage knows: Poetry is Truth exceeding Political Science, Anthropology, and Sociology, and there ain’t no turning away.
— George Elliott Clarke, Parliamentary Poet Laureate of Canada (2016 & 17)

“If as I believe, there is a sacred duty in care-filled description, in an effort to capture a moment in lyric brevity of a well-crafted poem, to seek and find and set the best words in the best order on the page, then Katherine L. Gordon and James Deahl might be said to be doing their devoirs in the long tradition of an interweaving of poems in their fine collection Awareness….They interweave their poems so their voices achieve a kind of harmony…we come to see, to feel, to taste, to touch, (and in the music of the lines) to hear a reifying and reverential aspiration to capture the natural world…we all leave in our wake when we touch the words…although there is much to lament in our spoliation, these poems celebrate hopefulness ”
–John B. Lee, Poet Laureate of the city of Brantford, of Norfolk County and of Canada Cuba Literary Alliance

Polyphonic celebration for Mississauga’s 50th Anniversary project has been completed on Oct 2, 2024)

Mississauga is home to Indigenous peoples and diverse ethnic groups. Over years, Mississauga has evolved from small villages into a modern city. This project is a unique project designed and lead by Anna Yin to celebrate Mississauga’s 50th anniversary by collecting stories from different people and arts in Mississauga, creating a new set of poetry, and collaborating with artists and translators to create polyphonic celebration. With a Matchmaker Microgrant from MAC in Dec, 2023 and sponsorship from local business and artists, this project started on Jan 1, 2024. The followings are some highlighs:

Paintings of Mississauga by Nisreen Art.

Main activities’ schedule

Jan 1- July, 2024: appropriate stories collected and researched to compose a series of poetry
April- Aug 20: Anna collaborates with other artists for paintings and photos
Mar, 2024:Free public zoom meeting: Poly-Translations from art to poetry to film (跨界多译­—艺术/诗歌/电影)
(sponsored by East and West Learning Connections & The League of Canadian Poets)
April 6, 2024: A haiku presentation in Kariya, Japan and many photos
August 2024:  Anna and participants translate appropriate poems (3-4 locally relevant languages)
Sept 2024:  the above photos, photos of paintings, poetry, translations will be combined to produce eBook.
Oct 2, 2024:Release the eBook and showcase it on social media and sureway press website

Online showcase:

Anna Yin’s poems with local artists’ arts as samples
Students’ work from Clifford International School, Guangzhou, China (April, 2024)

Photos and Haiku from KIFA (Kariya International Friendship Association), Japan (2024) (in English and Japanese)
Mississauga Travelogue by Toshitaka Okumura, 2024 (in English and Japanese)
The Beauty of Friendship (in English, Japanese and Chinese)

Artists and arts at Pollinator Showcase Garden, Mississauga 2024 and poems
Writings from local writers in Mississauga, Canada (2024)

Painting (Juno Jiang) and poem for Mayor Hazel (Anna Yin) July 25, 2024, (in English, Chinese, Perse languages)
(The poem is also on Sauga Arts Hub, Thanks MAC)
Beautiful Dreams (poem in English & Chinese) -inspired by Mississauga’s Olympic Champion: Katie Vincent (2024)

Thank sponsors for their great support! Please also check our previous successful projects with the following link. You are welcome to join us for this new project in 2024!

New Book to announce: What We Do Not Know by DC Reid, translated by Anna Yin

Another book of translations by Anna Yin will be published in Mar, 2024. The author of the book is DC Reid. DC is broadly known for extensive writing on in-ocean fish farms; neuroplasticity and extensive creativity mechanisms. He lives in Victoria, BC. Anna will introduce his work to broad Chinese communities. Recently, Anna’s translations of Reid’s poetry has been published in 新大陆诗刊 #200 in USA. Congratulations on Reid and Anna!

DC Reid is a Canadian writer and poet whose work lives in multiple disciplines: web-based video-poems, environment writing and novels. His poetry has won silver in the Bliss Carman Award twice and twenty-five other awards. DC里德是一位加拿大作家,诗人和小说家。获25项写作奖

Celebrating Live Encounters Poetry & Writing 14th anniversary

This new issue includes Anna Yin’s two poems, Don Gutteridge’s three poems, Terry Barker’s review of “Starlight Tapestry” (Poetry by Don Gutteridge, Chinese translation by Anna Yin) and other international fine poets and writers. Thank Mark Ulyseas and edictal team for the beautiful magazine (Live Encounters Poetry & Writing 14th anniversary)
Congratulations to all!