Polyphonic celebration for Mississauga’s 50th Anniversary (Update)

Mississauga is home to Indigenous peoples and diverse ethnic groups. Over years, Mississauga has evolved from small villages into a modern city. This project is a unique project designed and lead by Anna Yin to celebrate Mississauga’s 50th anniversary by collecting stories from different people and arts in Mississauga, creating a new set of poetry, and collaborating with artists and translators to create polyphonic celebration. With a Matchmaker Microgrant from MAC in Dec, 2023 and sponsorship from local business and artists, we now have started this project since Jan 1, 2024.

Paintings of Mississauga by Nisreen Art.

City’s clip by Sarah Hei & Anna Yin

Main activities’ schedule

Jan 1- July, 2024: appropriate stories will be collected and researched to compose a series of poetry themed around the city’s 50th anniversary (See my plan and some samples, new ones added)
April- Aug 20: Anna collaborates with other artists for paintings
Mar, 2024: Free public zoom meeting:
Poly-Translations from art to poetry to film (跨界多译­—艺术/诗歌/电影)
(sponsored by East and West Learning Connections & The League of Canadian Poets)
April 6, 2024: A haiku presentation in Kariya, Japan (Check more…)

Students’ work from Clifford International School, Guangzhou, China (April, 2024)

Photos and Haiku from KIFA (Kariya International Friendship Association), Japan (2024)

Artists and arts at Pollinator Showcase Garden, Mississauga 2024 and poems

Painting (Juno Jiang) and poem for Mayor Hazel (Anna Yin) July 25, 2024

August 2024:  Anna and participants translate appropriate poems (3-4 locally relevant languages)
Sept 2024:  the above photos, photos of paintings, poetry, translations will be combined to produce eBook.
Oct 4, 2024: Release the eBook and showcase it on social media and sureway press website

Thank sponsors for their great support! Please also check our previous successful projects with the following link. You are welcome to join us for this new project in 2024!

Updates from Kimball Electronics’ Take a Haiku Hike Challenge

Anna Yin was happy to be a guest speaker and a judge for Kimball Electronics’ Take a Haiku Hike Challenge. Here are the winners with Communications Director Scott Saalman’s announcement. Thank Anna, Scott and all the participants, for bringing about such an amazing event where new talents were discovered. Anna invites all interested to join our online haiku workshops in the summer. Your contributions will be considered for inclusion in our eBook in Oct.